Listserv How-To

Create a digest

Click for step-by-step instructions to get fewer emails per day


Click for step-by-step instructions to remove yourself from getting emails. You can still access the listserv content through Google Groups.

Access Listserv Content

Click for step-by-step instructions to accessing the listserv to search for something


Welcome to the Google Groups listserv of the Neighbors of Millburn Short Hills.  It is a unique and invaluable resource for our members, a place where you’ll find answers to questions like “Who do you recommend as an internist?” “Where can I find a babysitter?” “Is there a good French restaurant in the area?” or “Which local auto repair shop is most reliable? “ 

In order to ensure that the majority who use Google Groups continue to enjoy this resource to its full potential, the Executive Board have developed this set of simple rules, to streamline and simplify postings, while minimizing inbox clutter.  We have also highlighted the different options available to you for managing how and when you receive emails from the message board.


Rule 1 - SEARCH before you post – check local and national press, local websites, online search engines and finally, the Newcomers Google Groups archives 

Rule 2 – THINK before you post –posts should be careful, considered, and informative. REMEMBER WHEN YOU HIT SEND YOU ARE SENDING A MESSAGE TO OVER 500 PEOPLE.  Please do not reply to the whole group with your comments if you just need to communicate with the original author of the email.  (NOTE: if replying via Google Groups online, "Reply" is really "Reply to all" and "Reply to author" will only go to the original author of the email. DO NOT click "reply" on the message board if you don't want to send your email to the entire group.)

Rule 3 – DO NOT SELF-PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS (we are not Workmom and have different rules). You may promote the business of another if you have received products or services from such person.  A member may promote a business only as personal response to a direct request on the List serv.

Rule 4 – DO NOT SOLICIT DONATIONS and DO NOT PERSONALLY ENDORSE POLITICS, SCHOOL, or LOCAL ISSUES – do not ask for sponsorship, petition support or monetary donations and do not promote candidates directly. You can inform members that an upcoming vote, referendum, meeting or event is taking place, but please do not endorse or inject your personal view.  Please state only the facts - event, date, time and location.  If you are posting a political event, please edit out any fundraising information (including the admission cost, if applicable). People can contact you for more information or you could start you own Google Group.

Rule 5 - ALWAYS COMPILE your feedback – email your results to the Listserv so people can search the archives for similar information, e.g. local internists, plumbers etc. A compiled response should be sent after waiting 3-5 days from the date of the query. To make it easier to search for Compilations - please put in the Subject: COMPILED [NAME OF SUBJECT].

Rule 6 - KEEP COMMENTS CONFIDENTIAL – this message board is for members only, messages posted should not be forwarded to non members


PLEASE NOTE: The full detailed rules are below.  We ask that you read these rules and refer to them regularly if in doubt of what to post.  Be aware that the Executive Board does reserve the right to temporarily suspend a member from the listserv if the rules are not followed (see below).


A. At the discretion of the Listserv Coordinator and the Executive Board, a member can be temporarily or permanently removed from the Listserv if the “7 Rules to Remember” on page 3 to 5 of this document are violated.  

B. Severe misconduct can result in immediate revoking of membership, including listserv privileges, subject to the discretion of the Executive Board. 

C. If a violation arises, a listserv user will be given a written warning by email from the Neighbors of Millburn Short Hills Listserv Coordinator and Presidents.  If a user commits a third violation, the user can be suspended from the listserv for one month without refund of membership dues.  

D. If the user commits another violation once access is reinstated, then he or she will be removed from the listserv for the remainder of their membership term with no refund.